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PJ Media is a media company and operator of an eponymous conservative opinion and commentary website. The organization was formerly known as 'Pajamas Media'. Their purpose is to broadcast news exclusively via the Internet and YouTube, focusing primarily on politics.

Founded in 2004 by a network primarily, but not exclusively, made up of conservatives and libertarians led by writer Roger L. Simon it was originally intended as a forum to present blogs "with the intention of... aggregating blogs to increase corporate advertising and creating our own professional news service." PJ Media's name, formerly Pajamas Media, is derived from a dismissive comment made by former news executive vice-president Jonathan Klein of CBS during the Killian documents affair involving then-CBS anchorman Dan Rather in the fall of 2004: "You couldn't have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of checks and balances at 60 Minutes and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas."
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